The 17-year-old professional shogi chess player, Kiriyama Ryo, lives alone in the old streets of Tokyo. He was a young man who lost his family in an accident when he was a child and embraced a deep and lonely boy. The three sisters Akari, Hyuga, and Tao appeared in front of him like this. After getting along with them, zero began to change a little——.
Sangatsu no Lion
3-gatsu no Lion
Tarikh 07/10/2016
The 17-year-old professional shogi chess player, Kiriyama Ryo, lives alone in the old streets of Tokyo. He was a young man who lost his family in an accident when he was a child and embraced a deep and lonely boy. The three sisters Akari, Hyuga, and Tao appeared in front of him like this. After getting along with them, zero began to change a little——.