Enough is Enough! A Case Study on the Effect of Data Size for Evaluation Using Universal Dependencie
4 Ditonton
Where are we Still Split on Tokenization?
5 Ditonton
MaChAmp at SemEval-2023 Tasks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12: On the Effectiveness of Interm
16 Ditonton
Increasing Robustness for Cross-domain Dialogue Act Classification on Social Media Data
26 Ditonton
We Need to Talk About train-dev-test Splits
Much Gracias: Semi-supervised Code-switch Detection for Spanish-English: How far can we get?(teaser)
9 Ditonton
Much Gracias: Semi-supervised Code-switch Detection for Spanish-English: How far can we get? full
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Frustratingly Easy Performance Improvements for Low-resource Setups: A Tale on BERT and Segment Embe
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MaChAmp at SemEval-2022 Tasks 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, and 12: Multi-task Multi-lingual Learning for a Pr
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Lexical Normalization for Code-switched Data and its Effect on POS Tagging
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From Masked Language Modeling to Translation: Non-English Auxiliary Tasks Improve Zero-shot Spoken L
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