In the 21st century, due to the rapid development of human society, the originally stable three realms of human, gods and demons lost their balance. The gods and Demons urgently launched the salvation plan and decided to send a group of gods and monsters to the human world to find the key of saving world. Su Moting is a young woman with the status of "the son of the god and demon". After being invited out of the house by her parents for the reason of "independence and self-improvement", Su Moting met the handsome little cute gods, Tianjixing and Dikui, a mysterious calm cool cat demon. Under the guidance of the land god, the three formed a salvation group and began to perform the funny and heartbreaking nonsense daily life.
汉化日记 第二季
Han Hua Ri Ji 2nd Season
Chinese Mainland
Starting: Nov 14, 2020
In the 21st century, due to the rapid development of human society, the originally stable three realms of human, gods and demons lost their balance. The gods and Demons urgently launched the salvation plan and decided to send a group of gods and monsters to the human world to find the key of saving world. Su Moting is a young woman with the status of "the son of the god and demon". After being invited out of the house by her parents for the reason of "independence and self-improvement", Su Moting met the handsome little cute gods, Tianjixing and Dikui, a mysterious calm cool cat demon. Under the guidance of the land god, the three formed a salvation group and began to perform the funny and heartbreaking nonsense daily life.