In a small town, the protagonist Okazaki Tomomi also became a bad boy due to family factors. He has been with Haruhara Hyouhei and lived a depressed life at Mitsusaka High School, but he hopes to leave the town where he is one day. One day, he found a girl who was standing still in front of the school ramp. After Peng also met this girl named "Furuhezhu", his life began to change significantly. The first half is the event between the protagonist and the heroine, and the second half of the After story is the protagonist and Nagisa Furukawa. After graduating from Okazaki Middle School, the days when they lived together, also interspersed with the "fantasy world". CLANNAD is composed of these three A story composed of three elements.
Starting: Oct 1, 2008
In a small town, the protagonist Okazaki Tomomi also became a bad boy due to family factors. He has been with Haruhara Hyouhei and lived a depressed life at Mitsusaka High School, but he hopes to leave the town where he is one day. One day, he found a girl who was standing still in front of the school ramp. After Peng also met this girl named "Furuhezhu", his life began to change significantly. The first half is the event between the protagonist and the heroine, and the second half of the After story is the protagonist and Nagisa Furukawa. After graduating from Okazaki Middle School, the days when they lived together, also interspersed with the "fantasy world". CLANNAD is composed of these three A story composed of three elements.