A somewhat withdrawn and quiet third-year college student, Shinichi Sakurai, and Hana Uzaki, graduated from the same high school one year younger. Shinichi is often entangled in various nonsensical entanglements in the name of taking care of a lonely senior by Hana. Although it was a bit annoying at first, gradually he got used to it...
Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai! Double
Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! Season 2
Starting: Oct 1, 2022
A somewhat withdrawn and quiet third-year college student, Shinichi Sakurai, and Hana Uzaki, graduated from the same high school one year younger. Shinichi is often entangled in various nonsensical entanglements in the name of taking care of a lonely senior by Hana. Although it was a bit annoying at first, gradually he got used to it...