Musashi and his companion Kojirou Kanemaki pledged to become samurai, create a league, and embark on demon-slaying missions five years ago. However, with demons now being exalted and worshipped, society has avoided and denigrated the samurai. Musashi conceals his swordsmanship while blending in with the town's orthodoxy because of fear that he may expose his dream. Despite striving and failing, Kojirou still sets off on a voyage with Musashi in the hopes of discovering his genuine sentiments. The pair plunges deeply into the mysterious realm of beast-slaying without knowing what their future holds.
オリエント orient 二期
Starting: Jul 11, 2022
Musashi and his companion Kojirou Kanemaki pledged to become samurai, create a league, and embark on demon-slaying missions five years ago. However, with demons now being exalted and worshipped, society has avoided and denigrated the samurai. Musashi conceals his swordsmanship while blending in with the town's orthodoxy because of fear that he may expose his dream. Despite striving and failing, Kojirou still sets off on a voyage with Musashi in the hopes of discovering his genuine sentiments. The pair plunges deeply into the mysterious realm of beast-slaying without knowing what their future holds.