Despite being a shy high school student without friends, Wakana Gojou is an extraordinarily talented dressmaker. His lovely classmate Marin Kitagawa quickly learns of his sewing prowess, and Gojou is both envious of her courage and honesty as well as his sewing skill. She enjoys dressing up as pornographic video game characters but is unable to sew her own outfits, so she seeks Gojou's help. Because of their ability to support one another, despite being polar opposites, their friendship progressively develops.
Sono Kisekae Ningyou wa Koi wo Suru
Starting: May 24, 2022
Despite being a shy high school student without friends, Wakana Gojou is an extraordinarily talented dressmaker. His lovely classmate Marin Kitagawa quickly learns of his sewing prowess, and Gojou is both envious of her courage and honesty as well as his sewing skill. She enjoys dressing up as pornographic video game characters but is unable to sew her own outfits, so she seeks Gojou's help. Because of their ability to support one another, despite being polar opposites, their friendship progressively develops.