The movie consists of two episodes, "Ishiokoshi" and "Ayashiki Visitor". In "Ishiokoshi", Natsume meets a small youkai named Mitsumi in the forest. Mitsumi is tasked with awakening the divine youkai "Iwatetsu" from a deep sleep. Mitsumi weighs heavily on Natsume's heart, so she sets out to help Mitsumi with her work.
夏目友人帳 石起こしと怪しき来訪者
Natsume's Book of Friends
Natsume Yuujinchou: Ishi Okoshi to Ayashiki Raihousha
Starting: Jan 15, 2021
The movie consists of two episodes, "Ishiokoshi" and "Ayashiki Visitor". In "Ishiokoshi", Natsume meets a small youkai named Mitsumi in the forest. Mitsumi is tasked with awakening the divine youkai "Iwatetsu" from a deep sleep. Mitsumi weighs heavily on Natsume's heart, so she sets out to help Mitsumi with her work.