"When the Phone Rings" is a 2024 Korean drama that revolves around a romantic and thrilling story of a young couple. The drama explores the complexities of their relationship as they navigate through a mysterious and eerie situation.
The drama tells the story of Ji-Hoon (Kim Min-Seok) and Soo-Young (Park Eun-Bin), a young couple deeply in love. Ji-Hoon is a successful businessman, while Soo-Young is a talented artist. However, their relationship takes a dark turn when Ji-Hoon starts receiving mysterious phone calls.
The phone calls are from an unknown number, and the voice on the other end gives Ji-Hoon instructions that he must follow. If he fails to comply, his life will be in danger. Ji-Hoon and Soo-Young must work together to uncover the truth behind the mysterious phone calls.
- Kim Min-Seok as Ji-Hoon
- Park Eun-Bin as Soo-Young
- Lee Hyun-Wook as Detective Lee
- Kim Seo-Hyung as Ji-Hoon's mother
_Episode Count:_
16 episodes
Romance, Thriller, Mystery
"When the Phone Rings" is a gripping and suspenseful drama that will keep you on the edge of your seat.