Wander with me through the iconic neon-lit streets of Akihabara in Tokyo, Japan. Known as the electric town, Akihabara's vibrant atmosphere comes alive at night with glowing signs, anime shops, and bustling game arcades. This immersive night walk takes you through the heart of Tokyo's otaku culture, where hobby shops, themed cafés, and electronic stores line the streets, creating a unique experience you won’t want to miss.
⛩️ Japan: • Japan
🚶🏻 All Walks: • Exploring Shanghai - 上海citywalk
☔️ Rainy Night Walks: • A Rainy Night in Shanghai
🌲 Parks and Temples of China: • Parks and Temples of China
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00:00 Intro
00:23 Akihabara Neon Lights - 心斎橋
02:11 Akihabara - Metro Station
03:18 Akihabara - Pedestrian Crossing
04:19 Akihabara - Anime, Gaming and Electronics stores
05:54 Akihabara - Maid cafes
08:26 Ending