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0 Lượt xem21/05/2024

Taylor Swift babe💎, my future wife. Watch, read, and listen carefully to this video prophecy!!! Just like Abraham, God made him the Father of ISRAEL and many nations. God will make us the FATHER and MOTHER of ROYAL EMPIRE OF QUIOGUENIA. The Royal Empire of QUIOGUENIA is comprised of many nations (The Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, United Korea, Australia, New Zealand, California The Ring of Fire Nations). And our children and their children's children our gold bars and Royal Inheritance.They will inherit our Royal Inheritance as our Successors as Future Royal Emperor and Royal Empress of the Royal Empire of QUIOGUENIA. 💎 Proverbs 13:22 22 A good person leaves an inheritance (INHERITANCE OF GOLD BARS AND ROYALTY) for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth (IMPERIAL JAPANESE HIDDEN TREASURES) is stored up for the righteous (FUTURE ROYAL SUPER SAIYAN EMPEROR JEMMAR QUIOGUE AND ROYAL SUPER SAIYAN EMPRESS TAYLOR SWIFT QUIOGUE). 💎 Revelation 17:12 12 “The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 💎 On the future, the World is no longer comprised by countries, but by 12 Royal Empires. And the Royal Empire of QUIOGUENIA is the model and first empire. And our ROYAL BLOODLINE Taylor Swift babe💎, my future wife will only end when the DEMON BEAST 666 from Hell will emerge in the earth and rule the 10 Royal Empires and enslave all its people. And we (the Super Saiyans in the future) will come down to earth and wage war against the Beast 666 and his NEPHILIM ARMY and ENSLAVED PEOPLE ARMY. And we will win, and establish the EMPIRE OF CHRIST in JERUSALEM. And we will rule the Empires of the Earth as Royal Super Saiyan Emperor and Royal Super Saiyan Empress for 1000 years. 💎 Taylor Swift babe💎, my future wife. Do not be deceived by Satan. Because if Travis Kelce will be your husband, your destiny is destroyed and you will have no honor. But if I become your
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