Based on 100-year-old story, Manavendra, a poor brahman becomes the guard of an old house owned by Parashar Babu. Despite the villagers’ warnings, he continued to stay in the house. During his stay, he fell in love with a spiritual body Chinu and got trapped in a delusion. Will Manvendra be able to get out of the house, or will he be trapped in a deeper illusion? Watch DeeptoPlay (A OTT of Deepto TV) Original film Maya. Explore All new Bangla films on
Director : Animesh Aich
Cast(s) : Dibya Joyti,Soumya Jyoti,Rodela Tapur,Meghla Tupur,Golam Farida Chanda
Language : (Bengali)
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Based on 100-year-old story, Manavendra, a poor brahman becomes the guard of an old house owned by Parashar Babu. Despite the villagers’ warnings, he continued to stay in the house. During his stay, he fell in love with a spiritual body Chinu and got trapped in a delusion. Will Manvendra be able to get out of the house, or will he be trapped in a deeper illusion? Watch DeeptoPlay (A OTT of Deepto TV) Original film Maya. Explore All new Bangla films on
Director : Animesh Aich
Cast(s) : Dibya Joyti,Soumya Jyoti,Rodela Tapur,Meghla Tupur,Golam Farida Chanda
Language : (Bengali)