Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuuden carries on from the previous animated TV show, Naruto. It follows the journey of an older and wiser Uzumaki Naruto, who is determined to rescue his comrade, Uchiha Sasuke, from the clutches of the serpent-like Shinobi, Orochimaru. Upon returning to his homeland, Konoha, after two and a half years, Naruto faces numerous challenges in his pursuit of greatness. He faces even more formidable adversaries in the form of the dangerous shinobi group, Akatsuki.
Date aired: Feb 15, 2007 to Mar 23, 2017
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Military, Shounen, Super Power, Supernatural
Duration: 23 min
Episodes: 500
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Naruto: Shippuden
Naruto: Shippuuden carries on from the previous animated TV show, Naruto. It follows the journey of an older and wiser Uzumaki Naruto, who is determined to rescue his comrade, Uchiha Sasuke, from the clutches of the serpent-like Shinobi, Orochimaru. Upon returning to his homeland, Konoha, after two and a half years, Naruto faces numerous challenges in his pursuit of greatness. He faces even more formidable adversaries in the form of the dangerous shinobi group, Akatsuki.
Date aired: Feb 15, 2007 to Mar 23, 2017
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Martial Arts, Military, Shounen, Super Power, Supernatural
Duration: 23 min
Episodes: 500