Fast and Furious is a popular action movie franchise that first started in 2001 with the release of "The Fast and the Furious". The franchise centers around a group of skilled drivers and their adventures in high-speed car races, heists, and other adrenaline-fueled action sequences. The movies are known for their intense car chases, over-the-top stunts, and diverse ensemble cast, which includes actors like Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, and others.
Over the years, the Fast and Furious franchise has become a cultural phenomenon, with several sequels and spin-offs released to critical and commercial success. The franchise has expanded beyond the movies to include video games, theme park attractions, and other merchandise. The movies are known for their focus on themes like family, loyalty, and redemption, in addition to their high-octane action sequences.