"KINGDOM-Ashin of the North" is a South Korean television series that was released in 2021. It is a special episode that serves as a prequel to the popular Netflix original series "Kingdom," which is a historical horror drama set in the Joseon period of Korea.
The special episode is centered around the character Ashin, played by actress Jun Ji-hyun, and tells the backstory of her character and the origins of the resurrection plant.
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"KINGDOM-Ashin of the North" is a South Korean television series that was released in 2021. It is a special episode that serves as a prequel to the popular Netflix original series "Kingdom," which is a historical horror drama set in the Joseon period of Korea.
The special episode is centered around the character Ashin, played by actress Jun Ji-hyun, and tells the backstory of her character and the origins of the resurrection plant.