Plot Summary: A secret alien civilization known as the Boazan Forces has suddenly attacked Earth. There has been a release of a group of people who have been properly trained to deal with this kind of emergency. The pilots of the Choudenji Machine Voltes V (#5), Earth's defense against the Boazan and their terrifying Beast Warriors, are Kenichi, Ippei, Daijirou, Hiyoshi, and Megumi. As the Go Brothers learn more about their true ancestry and the reason for their father's abduction, the plot becomes more complicated. The Go Brothers occasionally face conflicts and conflicting feelings, but because of their undying commitment to finding their father, they must return to the scene of the crime. The Voltes Team has another task, with assistance from the rebels based on Earth and on the aliens' homeworld.
Genre: Action , Adventure , Drama , Mecha , Sci-Fi , Shounen
Released: 1977
Status: Completed
Other name: Cho Denji Machine Voltes V; Super Electromagnetic Machine Voltes V; Super Electron 超電磁マシーン ボルテスV Machine Voltes V; Ultra Electromagnetic Machine Voltes V; Vultus V; Voltes 5;