This animation tells the story of a roving automaton AER-R23, whose task is to explore and mine a crystalline mineral called Zerellium from the Hades galaxy 1.12 million light years from Earth. The mission is a one way ticket to the Hades galaxy where the automaton was given a goal to find and collect as many Zerellium as possible and sent it back to Earth.
Story/3D Artist/Animation Director
Không được đăng tải lại nội dung khi chưa có sự cho phép của nhà sáng tạo
This animation tells the story of a roving automaton AER-R23, whose task is to explore and mine a crystalline mineral called Zerellium from the Hades galaxy 1.12 million light years from Earth. The mission is a one way ticket to the Hades galaxy where the automaton was given a goal to find and collect as many Zerellium as possible and sent it back to Earth.
Story/3D Artist/Animation Director