light gun reviews
14/47LGR 207: Labo Toy-Con 4 (Switch)
LGR 186: Blaze Falcon (Controller)
LGR 189: Sharp Shooter 2 (Controller)
LGR 179: Dual Shooter (Controller Adapter)
LGR 177: Alien Blasters - VR Real Feel (VR)
LGR 191: Tiny Bee, Final Fantasy X-2 (Controller)
LGR 117: Big Sports 12 (Epoch Cassette Vision)
LGR 216: Space Pirate Trainer (VR)
LGR 208: Epoch Cassette Vision video modification and restoration
LGR 193: Universal Marxman (Controller)
LGR 214: Flip Flop Force Feedback Controller
LGR 198: Tri-Blaster (Plug & Play)
LGR 197: Trident (Controller)
LGR 196: Thunder Gun (Controller)
LGR 200: Pumpaction Blaster (Controller)
LGR 201: ultimate pedal
LGR 184: G-Con 2 on PC in the Noughties
LGR 202: USB2Gun & Optigun
LGR 206: Vintex 64 Super Stunner 6 (Controller)
LGR 244: 体感枪01 & TWT01 电视游戏机 (System)
LGR 243: Lichtknarre (PC Controller System)
LGR 237: DIY 20 USD VR gun
LGR 194: Introduction to AR Guns
LGR 229: 幽灵猎手 Ghost Hunter LM60 (Mouse)
LGR 217: Zapper clones on PC!
LGR 236: Nextick (Controller)
LGR 231: Ragnok Mousegun (Mouse)
LGR 238: Gun Shooting Game Mascot gachapon (toy)
LGR 218: Aidusgun (Controller)
LGR 205: Sinden Lightgun (Controller)
LGR 212: XK-10 SPC2153 (Controller)
LGR 227: M60A3 Combat Gun Mouse (Mouse)
LGR 225: Grifta Morphing Gamepad (Controller)
LGR 199: Gun4IR, the best PC light gun (Controller) {formerly known as JB 4PLG}
LGR 232: Micro Uzi (Controller)
LGR 240: Sharp Shooter Pro Arcade Gun (Controller)
LGR 210: Super Light Blaster (Controller)
LGR 241: Shock Gun (Controller)
LGR 230: The Shooter (Controller)
LGR 234: Erazer (Controller)
LGR 228: X-Shooter (Controller)
LGR 226: XK21 (Controller)
LGR 233: ゴーストハンターズ Ghost Hunters (bartop arcade)
LGR 224: Cyber Light Gun (Controller)
LGR 220: Pursuer ray gun variant (Controller)
LGR 235: RedOctane PSTC (Controller)
LGR 239: Music pedals used on light guns
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