Haruka Sakura is only interested in the most powerful of the strong; he has no desire to connect with weaklings. He recently enrolled in Furin High School, a filthy educational institution defined exclusively by physical prowess, which they use to deter evildoers from their town. But Haruka only wants to fight his way to the top; he doesn't care about being a hero or a member of any group!
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Khởi chiếu: 28/06/2024
Haruka Sakura is only interested in the most powerful of the strong; he has no desire to connect with weaklings. He recently enrolled in Furin High School, a filthy educational institution defined exclusively by physical prowess, which they use to deter evildoers from their town. But Haruka only wants to fight his way to the top; he doesn't care about being a hero or a member of any group!