A destitute detective named Sousuke Kaburaya encounters Sara, a princess with magical abilities from another world. One day they move in together, and Sara swiftly adapts to modern Japanese living. Livia, the female knight who teleported with Sara, was unexpectedly joyful despite living in homelessness. The optimistic and resilient attitude of these two extraterrestrials not only influences Sousuke but also a host of peculiar personalities that reside here, including ruthless attorneys, love-breakers, and pious scholars...
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Khởi chiếu: 04/04/2024
A destitute detective named Sousuke Kaburaya encounters Sara, a princess with magical abilities from another world. One day they move in together, and Sara swiftly adapts to modern Japanese living. Livia, the female knight who teleported with Sara, was unexpectedly joyful despite living in homelessness. The optimistic and resilient attitude of these two extraterrestrials not only influences Sousuke but also a host of peculiar personalities that reside here, including ruthless attorneys, love-breakers, and pious scholars...