A demon named Akutsu Masatora has gained access to a human high school. His mission is to locate potential allies for Hell to battle the angels of Heaven, their natural adversaries. Taking a seat next to Lily Amane, a recent transfer student, Akutsu is drawn to her attractiveness and chooses to enlist her in his mission.
However, Lily is more complex than meets the eye, and Akutsu may have been romantically involved with her in addition to finding himself an accomplice to one of the same adversaries he is meant to vanquish.
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Khởi chiếu: 08/01/2024
A demon named Akutsu Masatora has gained access to a human high school. His mission is to locate potential allies for Hell to battle the angels of Heaven, their natural adversaries. Taking a seat next to Lily Amane, a recent transfer student, Akutsu is drawn to her attractiveness and chooses to enlist her in his mission.
However, Lily is more complex than meets the eye, and Akutsu may have been romantically involved with her in addition to finding himself an accomplice to one of the same adversaries he is meant to vanquish.