Title: Isa para sa Lahat, Lahat para sa Isa
Video Language: Tagalog
Subtitle: Tagalog
Year: 1979
Genre: Action, Comedy, Drama
Directed By: Armando A. Herrera
Story By: Fred Navarro
Screenplay By: Fred Navarro (Screenplay)
Starring: Fernando Poe Jr., Andy Poe, Conrad Poe, Frederick Poe, Dencio Padilla
About the Movie: Isa Para sa Lahat, Lahat Para sa Isa" is a timeless Filipino action movie featuring the legendary Fernando Poe Jr. and his real-life brothers, Andy, Conrad, and Frederick Poe. It follows the journey of four brothers who once live a peaceful life in the countryside. After their father's passing, they relocate to the city to live with their uncle. The film chronicles their growth and how they come to embody the spirit of unity and brotherhood encapsulated in the phrase "One for all, all for one.