All Black Ops Cold War Weapons Origins, Real Names, Inspect Animation
0 วิว Premium01/10/2024
Showing all weapons origins, real names, default inspect and reload animations, manufacturers, ammo types, and more in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War showcase in PS5 with no commentary !!
I am only showcasing the firearms. I don't have the patience to look at melee weapons. Sorry. I'm unsure about the Crossbow and Bow Killstreak, so I'm guessing those.
Showing all weapons origins, real names, default inspect and reload animations, manufacturers, ammo types, and more in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War showcase in PS5 with no commentary !!
I am only showcasing the firearms. I don't have the patience to look at melee weapons. Sorry. I'm unsure about the Crossbow and Bow Killstreak, so I'm guessing those.