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Bom dia Verônica (2020) clip part. Eng/Ch sub 🇨🇳🇺🇸有副标题的

7 วิว22/04/2024

女主维罗妮卡,是一名干练的重案组刑警。一年前,她的警察父亲突然发疯杀死母亲,随后自杀未遂,住进精神病医院。这给她造成极大的心理创伤,工作也受到影响,被降职成文员,每天只能接接电话、整理档案。在目睹了一起自杀事件后,她决定独自调查两起被忽视的案件,均与虐待妇女有关 Uma policial investiga um predador sexual e acaba descobrindo um casal com um segredo horrível e um esquema de corrupção sinistro. The hostess Veronica is a capable criminal police officer in the serious crime squad. A year ago, her police father suddenly went crazy and killed her mother, then attempted suicide and was admitted to a mental hospital. This caused great psychological trauma. At the age of working, she was demoted to a clerk, and could only answer the phone and organize files every day. After witnessing a suicide, she decided to investigate two neglected cases on her own, both of which were related to the abuse of women.
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