“Detective Conan: The Wizard of the End of the Century” is the third animated film based on the “Detective Conan” manga series by Gosho Aoyama. Released in 1999 in Japan, the film follows famous high school detective Shinichi Kudo, transformed into a child and calling himself Conan Edogawa, as he solves complex mysteries.
In this film, Conan and his friends attend a magic show put on by the famous Japanese magician Jirokichi Suzuki. During the show, an attack occurs and the magician is murdered. Conan then begins to investigate to solve this mysterious crime, with the help of his friends and his friend Professor Agasa.
The film is loved for its captivating plot, unexpected twists and turns and endearing characters. It is also praised for its quality animations and catchy music. WATCH HERE FOR FREE: 👉👉👉👉 http://adfoc.us/855777102538943