Restoring Vintage Cap
Deformed favorite cap?
Madumi na? May stain?
May sentimental value?
Let's make your headgear back to life again!
Restoration services offered:
Curving brim
Cap case available for sale!
Guaranteed quality work but affordable
For inquiries/details PM lang mga boss 🙂
#caprestore #capcollection #capcleaning #capreshape #capservices
Restoring Vintage Cap
Deformed favorite cap?
Madumi na? May stain?
May sentimental value?
Let's make your headgear back to life again!
Restoration services offered:
Curving brim
Cap case available for sale!
Guaranteed quality work but affordable
For inquiries/details PM lang mga boss 🙂
#caprestore #capcollection #capcleaning #capreshape #capservices