Anime Title: Attack on Titan / Shingeki no Kyojin
Song Title & Artist: The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy
All About Levi Ackerman
Arguably the anime's most beloved character, Levi is one of the strongest fighters in the Survey Corps and serves as a squad captain. Willing to take on an army of Titans if necessary, Levi doesn't hesitate to put it all on the line for the sake of safeguarding human life. This goes beyond Titans, as Levi's hatred for Kenny Ackerman, a serial killer, is just as intense.
Vicious in combat and distant outside it, Levi is a blood-soaked soldier who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders because he knows most people cannot handle the burden. Attack on Titan has gradually revealed Levi's background, showing that he started as a criminal before eventually joining the Survey Corps. Levi is the type of person who only follows orders from people he respects; that said, he is generally quite empathetic.
Levi is the squad captain of the Special Operations Squad within the Survey Corps, and is said to be humanity's strongest soldier.