21 วิว Premium30/01/2022
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7 วิว
Copper es un poco loco unpocoloco cutedogs
55 วิว
Accurate. petthoughtbubble thoughtbubble
21 วิว
Note 🖊 to self ❌ 🛁 ❌🐱
41 วิว
Is The World Ends With You Failing Neku? (Anime vs. Game) | Character Analysis
25 วิว
If the shoe fits
253 วิว
Ding dong 🫠
We’re teaching our baby spanish and decided to make the entire house bilingual, including the doggi
36 วิว
I’m not finished until he says him finished fyp dogs talkingdog
26 วิว
Why is she the sweetest even when I’m annoying her 😩
27 วิว
ad Not much else has changed - you still get the same comprehensive service and UK are just as pet
Imagine his reaction if I actually spilled the water😭
46 วิว
Bringing up bilingual babies and doggies 😍❤️👋
56 วิว
Which was your favoruite? 🥰
33 วิว
Only wants to be centre of attention on his own terms 😂 dogsofinstagram funnydogs
31 วิว
We didn’t even clip a single one of his nails 😭
30 วิว
Never taking these off. Get 20% off using code: lifewithkleekai halarapatitoff halarahairremoval h
52 วิว