15 วิว Premium01/03/2022
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good dogs 🐶
16 วิว
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Copper es un poco loco unpocoloco cutedogs
55 วิว
Ding dong 🫠
41 วิว
If the shoe fits
253 วิว
We’re teaching our baby spanish and decided to make the entire house bilingual, including the doggi
36 วิว
Note 🖊 to self ❌ 🛁 ❌🐱
Veggie Sausage vs Sasuage - which will they pick? 🤔
37 วิว
Love them so much 😍 For 5 more ways they make me smile click link in bio!
47 วิว
Copper was unhappy 🤬 IB: dogs kleekai prank (IG lifewithkleekai link in bio)
40 วิว
How many klee kai in the world? Let us know if you guessed right? learnontiktok
28 วิว
Does his little face make you smile? fyp foryou dogs cutedog dogshoes
New sound unlocked 🔐 ✔️
25 วิว
Would you get one? LearnOnTikTok alaskankleekai dogs
11 วิว
How many of these breeds had you heard of before this video? LearnOnTikTok dogsoftiktok tiktokdogs
72 วิว
Day 206 of Skye not caring 😂
33 วิว