G(d1,...d17) = (∑(∇d1 + ...∇d13) ⊗ (∂θ/∂t)) ⊕ (Σ∈{14..17} Φ(D⊗Mℱ)(ψ,dℳ)) + Σ(s,t,u) ∈ ℂ [F₁(s), F₂(t), F₃(u)] ⊗ γ(dℳ,s,t,u).
Explanation: d1...d17 are the 17 dimensions, with the first 13 dimensions being unobservable. Φ represents the function that relates variations in the magnetic and electric fields to time and space-time coordinates. The coordinates θ, t refer to parameters of the nonlinear geometries introduced by closed curves.