"Demonte Colony" (2015) is a Tamil horror movie about a group of friends who decide to explore an old, abandoned house in a mysterious area called Demonte Colony. As they spend time there, they encounter spooky events and strange happenings that reveal dark secrets about the house. The film combines suspense and thrills, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as the friends try to uncover the truth and escape the haunting.
Siaran semula adalah dilarang tanpa kebenaran pencipta.
"Demonte Colony" (2015) is a Tamil horror movie about a group of friends who decide to explore an old, abandoned house in a mysterious area called Demonte Colony. As they spend time there, they encounter spooky events and strange happenings that reveal dark secrets about the house. The film combines suspense and thrills, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as the friends try to uncover the truth and escape the haunting.