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Best Album Designing Software Nixsoft PhotoKaya 16 with Photoshop CC

5 Tontonan28/06/2024

*The fastest and most professional album design software. PhotoKaya is a simple and powerful album builder for photographers. Fully Automatic PSD template generation.* *Free Download Available For 30 Days Learning Period* Unlimited Photo Adjustment + AI-Driven Automatic PSD album design generation 30 Large + 30 Small sizes + ThemeBook Creation and many more, So Download Now. *Download Link* https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tiYCALRrOJO5UKpZ9bFIXMfm_erHEq9q/view?usp=drive_link https://nixsoft.in/PhotoKaya.zip if you need support on installation, you can wapp me *+91 89 722 622 69* ill guide you. *Quick User Guide* (PDF English) https://nixsoft.in/PhotoKaya%20Tutorial%20Book_Eng.pdf *Purchase Help* https://www.nixsoft.in/#contact *### Key Features:* *Automated Adjustments :* One-click adjustments for lighting, color balance, and other enhancements. *Photo Retouching :* Apply makeup, change skin tones, and more. *Background Removal :* Quickly remove and replace backgrounds. *Image Upscaling :* Enhance the resolution of low-quality images to high definition. *Automated Layouts :* PhotoKaya 16 offers automated album design features that can quickly arrange photos into professional-looking layouts. This saves significant time compared to manual arrangements. *AI-Driven Design :* Automate the creation of PSD layouts, passport photo packages, and album designs. *Album and Collage Design :* Create professional-looking photo albums and collages with ease. *Special Effects and Frames :* Add various effects and frames to photos. *Passport Package :* One-click creation of passport-sized photos *PDF Generation :* Supports *e-Book PDF* creation with excellent quality. *Integration with Photoshop :* Seamless integration with Adobe Photoshop allows users to leverage advanced editing tools and features for more complex album designs.
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