"Bairavaa" is a 2017 Indian Tamil-language action thriller film. The film was written and directed by Bharathan, and produced by B. Venkatarama Reddy. The film stars Vijay in the titular role alongside Keerthy Suresh, Jagapathi Babu, Daniel Balaji, Sathish, Thambi Ramaiah, Mime Gopi, Sija Rose, Harish Uthaman and Aparna Vinod. The story revolves around Bairavaa, a collection agent for ICCI Bank in Chennai. During his manager's daughter's wedding, he comes across Malarvizhi, a medical student from Kallidaikurichi in Tirunelveli district, and falls in love with her. When he goes to the Koyambedu bus station to propose his love to Malar before she leaves Chennai, he notices her cornered by a group of thugs who plan to kill her. However, they back off after receiving a call from Periyakannu alias PK from Tirunelveli, who tells them not to harm her.The film ends on a triumphant note with justice prevailing and Bairavaa advocating for better education facilities in a press conference. “Bairavaa” was released on 12 January 2017 and became a commercial success at the box-office, grossing ₹120 crore.