"Moonlight Densetsu" is the iconic opening theme song for the original "Sailor Moon" anime series. The song is performed by the Japanese musical group DALI for the first two seasons of the show.
J-pop singer LiSA provided her version of the song for Sailor Moon 25th Anniversary Memorial Tribute album in 2018.
#sailormoon #moonlightdensetsu #dali #Lisa #anime #live
Siaran semula adalah dilarang tanpa kebenaran pencipta.
"Moonlight Densetsu" is the iconic opening theme song for the original "Sailor Moon" anime series. The song is performed by the Japanese musical group DALI for the first two seasons of the show.
J-pop singer LiSA provided her version of the song for Sailor Moon 25th Anniversary Memorial Tribute album in 2018.
#sailormoon #moonlightdensetsu #dali #Lisa #anime #live