17 Tontonan Premium16/02/2024
5 Tontonan
SBR ( Win)
13 Tontonan
2nd fight, spangle hatch at Bulan cockpit coliseum ( E&M gf)
20 Tontonan
3stag champion (Irosin Cockpit Arena)
6 Tontonan
Grey Hatch ( loss)
1 Tontonan
2stag elim ( win & 2nd fight draw)7 stag derby BGC & B
Early Bird
Early Bird part1
4 Tontonan
1st fight of old line grey(Bulan cockpit coliseum)(E&M gf)
Early Bird Part 2
17 Tontonan
2nd batch Local
3 Tontonan
Talisayin Nov 3,2023
Draw, Meron side Nov 10
2 Tontonan
February 2 Born ( national)
3cock derby(1st fight)Lossheadshot
6 months vs 5 months
10 Tontonan
1st Spur(SBR vs Kanaway)
1st batch of Local
White kelso (3rd fight)Win