"Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam" is a Telugu film released in 2022. It is a romantic drama directed by a renowned director whose name is not specified in the information provided. The movie features a talented cast of actors and actresses, including popular Telugu film industry stars.
The film's title, "Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam," translates to "Arjuna's Wedding in the Ashoka Forest" in English. This suggests that the story might revolve around the central character, Arjuna, and his wedding, which takes place in the serene and picturesque Ashoka Forest.
Siaran semula adalah dilarang tanpa kebenaran pencipta.
"Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam" is a Telugu film released in 2022. It is a romantic drama directed by a renowned director whose name is not specified in the information provided. The movie features a talented cast of actors and actresses, including popular Telugu film industry stars.
The film's title, "Ashoka Vanamlo Arjuna Kalyanam," translates to "Arjuna's Wedding in the Ashoka Forest" in English. This suggests that the story might revolve around the central character, Arjuna, and his wedding, which takes place in the serene and picturesque Ashoka Forest.