8 Tontonan Premium27/11/2022
2 Tontonan
4 Tontonan
0 Tontonan
akmal single
saya dn suami hanya insan biasa💞
3 Tontonan
BoBoiBoy gentar
akmal single 💐😉👍❤️
Do You Believe On Fate
I thought it was real but was just the plastick bag. (Damn it really look like an aye)
73 Tontonan
$13000$ from the baby's Unts and Uncles 😅 (cant spell here😬)
12 Tontonan
Bro what the Fwck 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
11 Tontonan
He came bake for poppy 😭😭😭😭😭😭
13 Tontonan
😐An Ant's Bite😐| (😭🤕Ouch🤕😭)
191 Tontonan
I Forgot Whict Way (I Can Not Spəł😬😓😑)
66 Tontonan
kilig na kilig c ma'am ahhhhhhh
33 Tontonan
Me when I'm late
8 Tontonan
Best glow up in my eyes (don' no the title)
48 Tontonan
Me when I watch too much Harry Potter 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
6 Tontonan
Me In the Inside:(<-) Also Me:(->)