Snow Man is a Japanese idol boy band formed by Johnny & Associates in 2012. The group was previously a sub-unit of Johnny & Associates' pre-debut trainee group, Johnny's Jr. The group's activities focused on acrobats and stage play. Along with SixTONES, Snow Man made their official debut on 22 January 2020. The group's simultaneous debut marks the first time for two groups to debut on the same day in Johnny's history.
source: Wikipedia
Hikaru Iwamoto
Tatsuya Fukazawa
Maito Raul Murakami
Shota Watanabe
Koji Mukai
Ryohei Abe
Ren Meguro
Ryota Miyadate
Daisuke Sakuma
Snow Man is a Japanese idol boy band formed by Johnny & Associates in 2012. The group was previously a sub-unit of Johnny & Associates' pre-debut trainee group, Johnny's Jr. The group's activities focused on acrobats and stage play. Along with SixTONES, Snow Man made their official debut on 22 January 2020. The group's simultaneous debut marks the first time for two groups to debut on the same day in Johnny's history.
source: Wikipedia
Hikaru Iwamoto
Tatsuya Fukazawa
Maito Raul Murakami
Shota Watanabe
Koji Mukai
Ryohei Abe
Ren Meguro
Ryota Miyadate
Daisuke Sakuma