55 Tontonan Premium09/02/2022
Copper es un poco loco unpocoloco cutedogs
55 Tontonan
Jurassic Bark 🦖
150 Tontonan
We’re teaching our baby spanish and decided to make the entire house bilingual, including the doggi
36 Tontonan
‘What breed are your dogs?’ LearnOnTikTok alaskankleekai minihusky
45 Tontonan
Skye even chimed in on this one 😅
46 Tontonan
23 Tontonan
This toy survived the move from the USA and Copper adores it 😍
17 Tontonan
He’s got a gentle side too dogreaction
19 Tontonan
Always was and always will be da baby
38 Tontonan
Cross paws > shedding season sheddingseason doghair kleekai
53 Tontonan
Do you like their boots and jackets? cutedogs kleekai britishweather dogsoftiktok
The silence is the scary part.😳😶fyp#viral#knox
275 Tontonan
She hates getting wet 😂 catsoftiktok cutedog kleekai
20 Tontonan
How DARE she! 😡
Her eyes 🥺😍🤩 puppylove blueeyes tiktokpets dogsoftiktok 4u
28 Tontonan
Anyone else?
35 Tontonan
Who should we dress her up as next? 3435 cutedog dogfashion
18 Tontonan
I’ve slept through earthquakes, but never this. dogdad dogownerproblems
79 Tontonan
He said, I love you, but don’t do it again 😅
48 Tontonan
Reply to Unmuted 🙉