13 Tontonan Premium15/02/2022
Copper es un poco loco unpocoloco cutedogs
55 Tontonan
Are you team Skye or Copper on this one? dogbuzzer cutedogs
19 Tontonan
If the shoe fits
253 Tontonan
I’ll give you one guess who the doggy is that likes to speak 🗣 storytime dog cutedogs
18 Tontonan
We’re teaching our baby spanish and decided to make the entire house bilingual, including the doggi
36 Tontonan
At least they got big personalities kleekai dogs ilooklike cutedogs derp
17 Tontonan
Note 🖊 to self ❌ 🛁 ❌🐱
41 Tontonan
We’re moving!! Any guesses where to? dogs cutedogs movingout london talkingdog
16 Tontonan
Ding dong 🫠
Thanks for all the love 💕 dogsoftiktok funny cutedog foryou viralvideos
24 Tontonan
Mame Shiba Cafe In Tokyo, Japan
42 Tontonan
It’s his world, I’m just living in it. rentfree dog
Are you team Big Mac or team Whopper? Full taste test up on YouTube! dogs tastetest cutedogs
34 Tontonan
This might be my favourite filter TimeWarpScan voguechallenge mylegsweretoolong dog alaskankleekai
29 Tontonan
IG: @ lifewithkleekai FYP foryou dogs cutedogs
23 Tontonan
Can’t decide whose reaction is better: Copper’s little voices or Skye’s straight face
Episode 3: Do we need a 5-day work week? talkingdog huskychat kleekai
Tbh I’m not sure whose separation anxiety is worse dogs cutedogs IB:
90 Tontonan
How did we do on this trend? Copper could never 💀
40 Tontonan
I’m heartbroken 💔 😭 husbandandwife dogs cutedogs movingout
44 Tontonan