48 Tontonan Premium26/01/2022
Do you reckon they could pull me on the sled? 🤔 tiktokdogs kleekai snowdog
25 Tontonan
Tell me your dogs are complete opposites without telling me
38 Tontonan
duet with how many breeds can you name? potentialbreakupsong dogmom dogs funnydogs
12 Tontonan
How many klee kai in the world? Let us know if you guessed right? learnontiktok
28 Tontonan
It’s his world, I’m just living in it. rentfree dog
16 Tontonan
I want to be my dog. dog loveaffair imabigdeal dogdad
26 Tontonan
Did you guess right?
29 Tontonan
True story nobodynobodynobody dog cutedog
34 Tontonan
True story.. and my wife never lets me forget it
27 Tontonan
Bet you didn’t see that coming 😅 dog cutedogsonly
Did you notice they have different coloured paw pads 🐾? kleekai
18 Tontonan
Who else has binge watched The Pack on Amazon Prime and is ready for a season 2?! ThePackTV AD dog
21 Tontonan
stitch with Best decision we ever made. dogs cutedogs
8 Tontonan
Does anyone else run with their dog/dogs? learnontiktok
Did you know this about your dog? LearnOnTikTok dogs dogfacts paws
39 Tontonan
She didn’t want to believe it OhNo dog cutedog
22 Tontonan
What do you think he’s trying to say? 😅 dogs cutedogs pregnant
43 Tontonan
How cute 0-10? petlover puppy kleekai 4u cute
37 Tontonan
Hug your dog every second you can. LearnOnTikTok dogyears dogs deepthoughts foryou IG: lifewithkle
59 Tontonan
Can’t decide whose reaction is better: Copper’s little voices or Skye’s straight face
17 Tontonan