The world of humans, Assiah, and the world of demons, Gehenna. Though these two dimensions should never meet, the demons are now encroaching on the material world because they possess all material substances. However, among the human race, there are those who can exorcise such demons: the Exorcists.
There is an episode in Beyond the Snow Saga where Kirigakure Shura faces his fate and the dark side of the True Cross Order is revealed.
青の祓魔師 雪ノ果篇
Tarikh 05/10/2024
The world of humans, Assiah, and the world of demons, Gehenna. Though these two dimensions should never meet, the demons are now encroaching on the material world because they possess all material substances. However, among the human race, there are those who can exorcise such demons: the Exorcists.
There is an episode in Beyond the Snow Saga where Kirigakure Shura faces his fate and the dark side of the True Cross Order is revealed.