Shinjuku, the cyberpunk metropolis, is a vast city-state covered in tall skyscrapers, neon signs, and the newest cutting-edge technology. The fabled Demon Lord Veltol is creating his second coming five centuries here, in the year 2099 of the Fused Era. However, this terrain is quite different from the one he overcame all those years ago since magic and engineering have come together to bring civilization to previously unheard-of heights. Though Veltol may have become little more than a historical footnote, this bright new world will be all his to claim!
Tarikh 12/10/2024
Shinjuku, the cyberpunk metropolis, is a vast city-state covered in tall skyscrapers, neon signs, and the newest cutting-edge technology. The fabled Demon Lord Veltol is creating his second coming five centuries here, in the year 2099 of the Fused Era. However, this terrain is quite different from the one he overcame all those years ago since magic and engineering have come together to bring civilization to previously unheard-of heights. Though Veltol may have become little more than a historical footnote, this bright new world will be all his to claim!