Born into a family of mediums, high school girl Momo Ayase and her classmate, the occult maniac Takakura Ken, start talking after Momo helps Ken out of a bullying situation in class. However, they quickly find themselves in a heated argument—Momo, who believes in ghosts but denies the existence of aliens, and Ken, who believes in aliens but is skeptical about ghosts.
To prove the existence of what the other denies, Momo decides to visit an abandoned hospital known as a UFO hotspot, while Ken heads to a haunted tunnel. There, both of them encounter overwhelming supernatural phenomena beyond their comprehension. In the midst of this crisis, Momo awakens her hidden powers, and Ken gains the power of a curse, allowing them to face the approaching horrors together. And perhaps, a fated romance begins as well!?
Thus begins their occult battle and youth story!
Tarikh 03/10/2024
Born into a family of mediums, high school girl Momo Ayase and her classmate, the occult maniac Takakura Ken, start talking after Momo helps Ken out of a bullying situation in class. However, they quickly find themselves in a heated argument—Momo, who believes in ghosts but denies the existence of aliens, and Ken, who believes in aliens but is skeptical about ghosts.
To prove the existence of what the other denies, Momo decides to visit an abandoned hospital known as a UFO hotspot, while Ken heads to a haunted tunnel. There, both of them encounter overwhelming supernatural phenomena beyond their comprehension. In the midst of this crisis, Momo awakens her hidden powers, and Ken gains the power of a curse, allowing them to face the approaching horrors together. And perhaps, a fated romance begins as well!?
Thus begins their occult battle and youth story!