Kaito Takagi was originally a high school student with a low status! By day, he explored the mystical dungeons around Japan, hunting slimes to make ends meet. One day, Kaito's world took a remarkable turn when he triumphed over a rare golden slime. In its aftermath, he discovers a priceless treasure, a mysterious card capable of summoning mythical beings! A warrior maiden with unparalleled beauty appears after he uses the card. Then a series of marvelous adventures begins……
Tarikh 06/07/2024
Kaito Takagi was originally a high school student with a low status! By day, he explored the mystical dungeons around Japan, hunting slimes to make ends meet. One day, Kaito's world took a remarkable turn when he triumphed over a rare golden slime. In its aftermath, he discovers a priceless treasure, a mysterious card capable of summoning mythical beings! A warrior maiden with unparalleled beauty appears after he uses the card. Then a series of marvelous adventures begins……