Tetsuo Tosu, an unimportant office worker who adores his only daughter Reika, first encounters Reika after she started living alone due to her job but discovers that she has bruises on her face. Tetsuo followed a man who appeared to be a prisoner after spotting him on the way home. He sneaks back to his daughter's apartment the following day, but something happens that alters their entire family's course of events. The father started along the Shura path for the benefit of his daughter and the family. A thrilling, climactic story starts.
Tarikh 02/04/2023
Tetsuo Tosu, an unimportant office worker who adores his only daughter Reika, first encounters Reika after she started living alone due to her job but discovers that she has bruises on her face. Tetsuo followed a man who appeared to be a prisoner after spotting him on the way home. He sneaks back to his daughter's apartment the following day, but something happens that alters their entire family's course of events. The father started along the Shura path for the benefit of his daughter and the family. A thrilling, climactic story starts.