Love Flops

Love Flops

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恋愛フロップスJapanOct 12, 2022

Ordinary boys' high school student Kashiwagi Asahi is on the same path to school as usual. However, just as the wonderful divination played on the TV that was turned on inadvertently before going out, he encountered various disasters this morning. In one disaster after another, Asahi and 5 teenage girls have the worst encounter ever. When he was exhausted physically and mentally and finally arrived at the school, the figures of five girls who were transfer students and new teachers appeared in front of him again. Asahi tried to hide his face, but couldn't hide it at all... Ijūin Yoshio, who claims to be Asahi's friend, asks Asahi about his relationship with the five. After getting along with the 5 people, the misunderstandings between each other were solved, and the relationship was slightly harmonious. After school, Asahi opened the shoe cabinet to go home, only to find a love letter inside. The sender's unidentified love letter reads "Waiting for you under the cherry tree behind the school building". This is also what divination says.

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