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誉岭峰 UNION SQUARERESIDENCES 万般体验,精彩生活。#豪华公寓[话题]# #公寓[话题]# #新加坡[话题]# # 新加坡公寓 #房地产经纪人[话题]# #房地产[话题]

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誉岭峰 UNION SQUARE RESIDENCES 万般体验,精彩生活。 直通中央商业区的标志性建筑,邻近三个地铁站和新加坡河。 An iconic building with direct access to the Central Business District, close to three MRT stations and the Singapore River. 集合私宅、甲级办公楼、零售餐饮和共享居住空间于一体的混合用途开发项目。 A mixed-use development that combines private residences, Grade A office buildings, retail and dining, and co-living spaces.
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