L0VE IN THE B1G C1TY (Movie Version | not the series)
4.7K Ditonton Premium05/12/2024
L0VE IN THE B1G C1TY Movie Version. This is not the series. Apparently there are two versions of story. Subtitles are machine/auto translated so there will be errors. Uploaded in 480p resolution and unable to increase the quality due to the video size limit in uploading. Will be updated and re-uploaded once better subs are published.
L0VE IN THE B1G C1TY Movie Version. This is not the series. Apparently there are two versions of story. Subtitles are machine/auto translated so there will be errors. Uploaded in 480p resolution and unable to increase the quality due to the video size limit in uploading. Will be updated and re-uploaded once better subs are published.