Alinagarer Golokdhadha (English: The Maze of Alinagar) is an adventure mystery film, released on 20 April 2018, directed by Sayantan Ghosal, produced by Rutrum Juin, starring Anirban Bhattacharya and Parno Mittra in lead roles. It is film collaboration for a Bengali movie between Eros International[3] and Champion Movies.
Soham is interested in the history of Bengal and soon, meets Ashutosh, a historian, who tells him about a puzzle that his friend sent him which will lead to a rare artefact.
Directed by- Sayantan Ghosal
Written by- Sougata Basu
Screenplay by- Sougata Basu
Story by- Sougata Basu
Produced by- Ritum Jain
Starring- Anirban Bhattacharya,Kaushik Sen, Parno Mitra, Paran Bandopadhyay, Tanima Sen, Manoj Mitra
Cinematography- Sudipta Majumdar
Music by- Memmo S Ray
Production company- Champion Movies
Distributed by- Eros International
Release date- 20 April 2018
Running time- 2 hours 19 minutes
Country- India
Language- Bengali
Budget- ₹ 1 Crore